South Alliance in California for Maritime and Shipbuilding Sectors

South Alliance in California for Maritime and Shipbuilding Sectors
13 February 2017 - 16 February 2017 / Générale, Naval, Energies
New Regional Mission for Oceanology International Show in San Diego

A regional delegation under the South Alliance banner will be in San Diego from February 13 through 16, 2017, for the Oceanology International show, the leading marine science and ocean technology forum.

As member of the South Alliance, the economic development agency Provence Promotion will be alongside the region's economic and institutional stakeholders to promote Provence's many assets in marine-related fields (marine energies, shipbuilding and ship repair, marine engineering…).

The aim of the mission, headed by Bernard Deflesselles, vice-president for international affairs at the PACA Regional Council and president of the ARII, is both to consolidate existing links with Californian networks (San Diego City Hall and Chamber of Commerce, research institutes such as the Scripps Institute, universities…) and to identify potential new partners.

To enhance the opportunities for business development, the Business France team and members of the South Alliance* are organizing an international networking evening on February 13 in partnership with the San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation and The Maritime Alliance, a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote the sustainable development of ocean resources.

More than 150 persons are expected to attend the event, which will mark the launch of the Blue Tech Alliance, a grouping of blue tech clusters from seven countries (Canada, France –represented by the Pôle Mer Méditerrannée marine cluster, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom and United States) who are thereby undertaking to collaborate –in the scientific field in particular – to promote a sustainable management of the oceans and water resources.

An economic agreement will also be signed at San Diego City Hall on February 14 between the City of San Diego and the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region, embracing various themes including those covered by the Pôle Mer cluster (with its Southern Californian partner The Maritime Alliance) and biotechnology (between the San Diego Biocom cluster and the Eurobiomed cluster in the South of France).

Provence Promotion, along with the other delegation members, will be using this opportunity to make new contacts during the evening. French companies and organizations will be invited to place the spotlight on French talent by presenting their expertise. Marseille's Mediterranean Institute of Oceanology (MIO) for example will be showcasing the opportunities it offers for international exchanges and knowledge-sharing in the field of marines sciences.

* The ARII (regional innovation and internationalization agency for local businesses), the Pôle Mer Méditerranée and Eurobiomed clusters, the Provence Promotion, Team Côte d’Azur and CCI Var economic development agencies, the PACA CCI and SATT Sud Est

Your Provence Promotion contact:
Matthieu Vis -
+33 (0)68 590 6025
