"A Breeding Ground of Ideas and Innovation Right Here In Provence!"

26 May 2010 / Optique-Photonique
An Interview with Jacques Boulesteix, Chairman of POPsud

For the past 10 years, POPsud has been at the forefront of the photonics community in the South of France. The association has been an outright and worldwide success, with a network of more than 190 members, 650 jobs created over the past 3 years, an ongoing program of innovative projects and, above all, the OPTITEC competitive cluster, one of the top 10 exporting clusters in the country. Such a success calls for celebration… and ought to be shared!
To this end, POPSud has decided to kit out a roving “Expobus” under the banner "Cap sur la lumière" (Focus on Light) with which it intends to travel around the country to meet college and high school students and, who knows, maybe inspire new vocations! To mark this anniversary, Jacques Boulesteix, the association’s chairman, reflects on what has been achieved so far… and on the road ahead!
