Top Transport Europe in Montpellier

Top Transport Europe in Montpellier
10 Oktober 2012 - 11 Oktober 2012 / Logistique
A Flagship Event for Logistics

This year, for its 21st edition, the Top Transport Europe exhibition is being held in the city of Montpellier on October 10 and 11.

The event, tremendously popular with industry professionals, acts as a forum where representatives from the industry’s various branches can meet and exchange views. Over the two days, participants will have the chance to establish new commercial relationships through B2B meetings, increase their sector visibility and take part in a series of conferences and workshops presented by industry experts.

Provence Promotion will be present on a joint stand alongside its partners the PACA Logistics Cluster and Vaucluse Développement. For the economic development agency, the Top Transport show is an opportunity to promote the Bouches-du-Rhône, a département in which logistics is a key sector.

With its combined “road-rail-river” routes, excellent infrastructure and the presence of industry majors, Provence has valid arguments to attract the international logistics sector players gathering in Montpellier. Just for the record, the 2011 edition of Top Transport attracted 645 industry professionals and generated a total of 6240 business meetings.

Come and visit us on our stand!
