US Targeted Business Development Mission for Provence Promotion

US Targeted Business Development Mission for Provence Promotion
07 Oktober 2012 - 18 Oktober 2012 / Logiciel / Conseil / ESN, Microélectronique / IOT
Sights Set on Microelectronics and Software Sectors

For several years already, Provence Promotion has been taking a keen interest in the US and sending its teams to identify new talent on the other side of the pond.

This new mission, from October 7 to 18, is therefore a continuation of the economic development agency’s international strategy, with its itinerary taking in the East Coast, Colorado and Texas.

A series of targeted business meetings with several American companies from the microelectronics and software sectors will provide the opportunity for Provence Promotion’s IT & Electronics Business Development Manager Stéphane Ghio to present the advantages our region has to offer and to identify potential partnership opportunities.

The program, put together by Daniel Eisenberg, former Europe director of Rainbird and presently a consultant with DP Worldwide, includes meetings with connector technology and communication network specialists, optic fiber manufacturers and embedded software designers potentially interested in forming strategic alliances with Provence-based companies.

