"The Gardanne mining area is becoming a fertile ground for technological innovation…"

28 September 2012 / Vous revenez en france, Créez votre entreprise , Générale, Microélectronique / IOT, Optique-Photonique, Energies, Eco-Industries, Aéronautique
An Interview with Michel Fiocchi of the ENSM-SE

In accordance with its mission statement requiring it to set up aid structures to help re-industrialize the Gardanne mining area, the École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne has created the R&D Partnership Center (EPRD). Launched in 2004, the Center has shown that the sharing of scientific knowledge and know-how -a principle dear to the engineering fraternity- stimulates the development of innovating enterprises. Since 2008, and to the same end, the prestigious research and training center the Centre Microélectronique de Provence (CMP) has been the home of an ingenious mix of university lecturers and researchers, engineering and PhD students and industrialists: nine  start-ups are presently being hosted at the Georges Charpak Campus. Michel Fiocchi, head of industry relations at the ENSM-SE, reveals the secrets of this promising "hatchery"…
