Belle de Mai Media Park Hosts Second Marseille Web Fest

Belle de Mai Media Park Hosts Second Marseille Web Fest
12 Oktober 2012 - 13 Oktober 2012 / Média

Two days entirely devoted to web series

On October 12 and 13, 2012, the Belle de Mai Media Park will be hosting the international fiction web series festival Marseille Web Fest, under the presidency this year of Lance Sloane, head of digital productions at Warner Bros Digital.

Over the two days, 22 web series will be shown on the big screen. The official selection, announced on May 20, 2012 on the  PACA Region’s stand at the Cannes Film Festival, places the emphasis on the quality and originality of the screened productions.

In addition to the screenings, there will be conferences hosted by industry professionals aimed at forging links between representatives from different fields of the audiovisual sector, local professionals, the press and the general public.

Furthermore, the PRIMI (Regional Image, Multimedia and Internet Cluster) and the Marseille Web Fest are launching Web Pitch #2, aimed at industry professionals from Europe and the Mediterranean Rim. The Web Pitch takes the form of a workshop bringing together the eight selected projects in contention, with a €5000 prize for the best pitch and support and assistance for each of the finalists.

Lastly, a new feature at the 2012 edition will be a market for new media content bringing together advertisers, broadcasters and producers.

With its history of supporting the development of transmedia and cross-media in the Bouches-du-Rhône département, Provence Promotion is partnering this event that is unique in Europe. The Marseille Web Fest’s international scope and unequivocally innovation-oriented nature makes it the place to be for those wishing to meet new talent, producers, broadcasters and industry majors.

View the program here
