WOIC? To facilitate the establishment of any enterprise interested in ITER or renewable energies!

WOIC?  To facilitate the establishment of any enterprise interested in ITER or renewable energies!
22 Oktober 2010 / Implantez-vous, Générale, ITER, Energies
Interview with Hervé Graulier (WOIC - Iter)

The Welcome Office for International Companies (WOIC) is an office specifically dedicated to ITER and renewable energies and was created 6 months ago.  It is a common initiative of economic development agencies in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, and offers an undeniable added value to any company that would like to set up in the region;  "A unique and global way of getting an overview of all the region's assets so as to be able to set up in the most strategically advantageous location for its development", says Hervé Graulier, Manager of WOIC – ITER and Renewable energies.
