Platypus Craft and its semi-submersible dock in Marseille to pursue development

success story
Platypus Craft and its semi-submersible dock in Marseille to pursue development
The protype of Platypus Craft in the Mediterranean near Estaque in Marseille
14 Oktober 2021 / Grow your business, Naval

Its ambition: to go into industrial production

After it was demonstrated at the IUCN World Conservation Congress, the Platypus Craft prototype, an innovative semi-submersible trimaran for underwater exploration, caught the eye of visitors on the docks at MUCEM and L'Estaque. Its founder and CEO François-Alexandre Bertrand, who has just set up an office in Marseille, sees strong growth potential in the Aix-Marseille metropolitan area. While the primary markets targeted are tourism and maritime pollution clean-up, marine research and maintenance organizations have also expressed interest. Since March 2021, Provence Promotion has been assisting the company with establishing its manufacturing operations in the region.

The first Platypus Craft prototype was designed with Marc Van Peteghem, the renowned naval architect with a sustainable streak who created Oceanwings, a wingsail with a wind-powered engine.

Francois-Alexandre Bertrand began working on his project in 2009 in Nantes. After several years of R&D, the sea enthusiast and avid scuba diver created the first prototype for a light and innovative boat capable of going into semi-submersible mode. The diver, connected to an air compressor on the boat, sits in the center of the trimaran on a removable platform that go as deep as two meters to observe the seabed without an air tank, and therefore with no time constraints outside of his physical abilities. The shallow dives are suitable for everyone, which makes Platypus Craft a natural fit for the high-end tourism and yachting market.

First achievements and market openings

In 2019, François-Alexandre Bertrand sold his first model to the Seascape company in New Caledonia to be used by tourists on the island of Noumea and by UNESCO in the off-season for scientific pursuits.

Since then, Platypus Craft has expanded its line and, depending on the diving objective, it offers a variety of on-board equipment and technology. Fitted with a waterproof, connected touchscreen tablet, one of its uses is environmental work, such as mapping and collecting macro-waste floating just below the surface or that has fallen to the seabed, which accounts for 40% to 50% of the pollution along the coasts. François-Alexandre Bertrand hopes to further develop this activity with marine professionals and scientists.

In March 2021, François-Alexandre Bertrand decided to come to the Aix-Marseille-Provence metropolis to grow his business and find a site to build his vessels. With Provence Promotion and local economic players, he explored the opportunities, rented an office at the Synchronicity collective, which focuses on the circular economy, and began networking with the ecosystem.

With Blue Odyssey, the association he created, Platypus Craft organizes environmental expeditions at sea to detect, geolocate and pick up plastic waste and raises awareness through activities that target young people, in particular.

This commitment was celebrated at the IUCN World Conservation Congress that took place in early September in Marseille. At the WasteWeCan booth, which brought together many sustainable development and biodiversity players, Philippe Stéfanini, Managing Director of Provence Promotion awarded the "Invest in Provence" label to François-Alexandre Bertrand.

"I am delighted to have received this label. Aix-Marseille offers us an open ecosystem that is perfect to accelerate our boat concept. Provence Promotion and a group of local stakeholders encouraged me to set up shop in the region. One of my medium-term objectives will be to electrify Platypus Craft so that I can fully align with my commitments to environmental protection," François-Alexandre Bertrand said.

> Find out more about Provence Promotion's support
> Discover the naval sector in Provence