Sopro...tells us

Sopro...tells us
17 Oktober 2006 /
Passion for the Bouches-du-Rhône!
Since when it was created in Marseille in 1977, the Sopro Company decided to set up its activity in the Valentine activity zone.  Due to strong growth, the subsidiary of the Acteon Group decided to move into new premises in 2003.  But there was no question of Sopro leaving the Bouches-du-Rhône department.  The company continued its activity and growth in the Athélia IV zone in La Ciotat.  An ideal choice explained by Pascale Montillot, marketing manager.

Passion for the Bouches-du-Rhône!
Since when it was created in Marseille in 1977, the Sopro Company decided to set up its activity in the Valentine activity zone.  Due to strong growth, the subsidiary of the Acteon Group decided to move into new premises in 2003.  But there was no question of Sopro leaving the Bouches-du-Rhône department.  The company continued its activity and growth in the Athélia IV zone in La Ciotat.  An ideal choice explained by Pascale Montillot, marketing manager.
