After two years of R&D, Exalt3D is ready to take the market by storm

success story
After two years of R&D, Exalt3D is ready to take the market by storm
Bruno Dupire, CEO of Exalt3D, received the "Invest in Provence" label at the 2016 Top Tic event
12 December 2017 / Internet of Things, Media, Software/Digital Services & Consulting, Start your business

This start-up, founded in Aix-en-Provence, France in 2015, has developed a ground-breaking 3D visualisation solution.

Exalt3D promises to let you view an industrial object or a piece of luxury clothing from every angle—just like if you were holding it in your hands. This start-up, founded in Aix-en-Provence, France in 2015, has developed a ground-breaking 3D visualisation solution. After receiving set-up and development support from Provence Promotion, Exalt3D is now ready to make its debut in January along with other Provençal start-ups at the Consumer Electronic Show in Las Vegas. CEO Bruno Dupire speaks with us about Exalt3D's first contracts and his future goals for growing the company.

Exalt3D has entered the 3D visualisation market. What are its target sectors?

 Bruno Dupire: E-commerce is growing by leaps and bounds. A wide range of manufacturers, beginning with Adidas and Nike, have understood the importance of hyper personalisation and the need to let customers view their products in 3D. The home decorating sector has followed suit and now allows customers to select a couch from thousands of different colour and material options. Factories can now produce customised articles.

We are also targeting the real estate and manufacturing sectors because our solution can provide a realistic depiction of volume. We securely store all data in the cloud. In addition, our technology lets industrial actors simulate operations in confined spaces. Our calculation resources are hosted with the Jaguar Network. Unlike other solutions, which take a long time to download, our streaming services offer a smooth, interruption-free experience.

You just wrapped up a two-year R&D cycle. When will you bring your product to the market? Who are your customers?

In the spring of 2017, we signed a contract with My Tailor Is Free, now called Monsieur Gaspard. This company markets and manufactures custom suits. Their tailors, in a new take on the traditional profession, scan customers and help them try on suits. When their website opens in early 2018, they will offer 3D modelling services alongside thousands of possible combinations. We've also signed contracts with leather goods manufacturers to help them produce 3D images of their bags and shoes.

In the industrial market, we have started talks with French energy engineers and clients in the luxury yacht, shipbuilding, and aeronautical sectors.

Exalt3D was founded by two associates, one from Paris and the other from Marseille. What made you pick Provence and why did you decide to settle in Marseille?

Provence Promotion, which awarded us "Invest in Provence" certification in 2016, convinced us why settling in southern France was a good idea and how the Aix-Marseille French Tech label had created an excellent environment for technology start-ups. Founded with help from the incubator Belle de Mai, Exalt3D grew within the Arbois technology hub thanks to support from Pays d’Aix Développement. In October 2017, we joined the Meyreuil incubator. The business has a staff of six, and we plan on recruiting two C++ web and machine developers. Exalt3D received several public subsidies as part of the Dispositif d'Amorçage de Provence (DAP—Provence Start-up Mechanism) and Crédit impôt Recherche (CIR—Tax research credit). Right now, we're starting a fundamental research phase to accelerate our growth.

How were you selected for the CES in Las Vegas from 8 to 12 January 2018?

Our start-up is one of the rising stars in the AMFT ecosystem and the PACA Region Innovation department. Our application was first selected in our region, then in Paris. In 2018, our goal is to achieve €500,000 in turnover.