A host of arguments!Claude Echahamian studied in Marseille, then later moved to Singapore for France Télécom and then the United States for Corning, before taking up his present position...[...]
My Provence is rich!It's now time to roll up our sleeves and start preparing the ground on the other side of the Channel. This mission will be performed by the United Kingdom Economic Mission that...[...]
Let's tell everyone on the phone! Nowadays, no-one sets up a company in Provence "only" for the "dancing" sea, stridulating cicadas, the sun that "perfumes the skin", Marseille's famous pastis that quickly...[...]
Here is a short Christmas tale for adults. Once upon a time there was a man called Paul Morgavi who used to work for Gemplus, and was a fan of the old saying «Unity is strength». In 2003, at the...[...]
It is true that the Gods have endowed Provence with more than its fair share of natural resources! But sitting around waiting until the Mistral blows a few "high added value" gold nuggets is no longer...[...]